General Info

Date: June 16-20
Price: $190 until June 1, $200 after
Registration: See below!

Registration - Youth Groups

I want to bring my youth to camp!
Awesome! If you have been before, you're already familiar with the process. Here’s how it works:

1. Say hello! If you’ve never brought a group before, email me and introduce yourself!
2. Start getting your youth together! All individual registration for kids in your youth group is up to you. They’ll need to give you two things:
   a. Money ($190 is the price of camp, plus whatever you add)
   b. Individual Registration Form
3. Fill out group registration form and send in deposit by June 1st. Youth camp costs $190 for everyone registered through the group registration form. The deposit is $25 per person. The form must be filled out and the deposit sent by June 1! You can mail the check to Horizon Christian Fellowship Indianapolis (made out to the same). You are welcome to add people after June 1, of course; we will be charging them $200 for camp. Please let me know if your late additions grow to more than five people so that I can make sure everyone is accomodated!
4. Come to camp with the money and registration forms! Bring the rest of the money and all the individual registration forms with you to camp on June 16! 

An example.
The price for youth camp is $190, so I charge my kids $200 to cover transportation for all of them and tell them I need a $25 deposit by May 28. After half of them get it to me late, I fill out the group registration form online and write & send the deposit check to Horizon. All their money is paid directly to my church, so when we show up on June 16 I have one check to pay for all of them, along with a few loose bucks from late-inclusions.


What each youth needs to give you by camp start: (not yet online)

Individual Registration Form

What you need to fill out once for your youth group by June 1: (not yet online)

Group Registration Form

Registration - Individuals

I’m an individual who wants to come, but I don't belong to a youth group!
Awesome! We aren't completely sure yet how we are working this out this year. Start off by sending me an email, and I’ll let you know!

A certain way to join is to contact your nearest Calvary Chapel and see if you can hop on with their group! You will be associated with them for the duration of youth camp and be under their authority. Find one near you!